Valentines Day is a really important day here at the Foster Monster Orphanage for Wayward Monsters. It's a day about love , and believe me , that is something the monsters think a lot about. Their whole lives center around not having love , and who will come along and love them , and so on and so forth. So it's a big deal.
Little monster dates are popping up all over the Orphanage and Cupid's arrows are flying ( even though there isn't supposed to be any archery in the house).
Even though I'm usually a very stern Headmistress , I'm a bit soft when it comes to romance. I even turn a blind eye to some of the 'gifts' the monsters may be taking for one another out of my jewelry box.
And I try not to laugh at their tokens of affection , even though some of them don't make much sense.
I was busy making my own Valentines one evening when I was interrupted by the dramatic sighing of a little monster by my side.
"Well , out with it! What's on your mind?" I asked him. He was sure looking down in the dumps. " Oh Headmistress" he cried " There's this monster , you see? and she is the most special monster I ever met..."
" She has eyes set real far apart , a sweet little snaggle tooth , and fur softer than a cat hair ball. I love her so much , but...."
"Nonsense!" I told him. After all , Valentines Day isn't about what you can give someone , it's about telling the people (and monsters) you love how special they are to you. "Just make a simple thing that says how you feel!" I advised.
"Maybe you love how they always know the right silly thing to say to make you laugh.."
" Or how they always can find where you are on a map , even a very complicated one!"
"Or maybe something just as simple as they have a totally perfect...err......tail."
I really think he thought about what I said because he got to work right away , cutting and gluing and coloring.
Happy Valentines Day from all of us at the Foster Monsters Orphanage for Wayward Monsters. You are weird and we like it!
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