
Monday, April 30, 2012


It was the dead of night in the Headmistress' quarters...

The cries of little monsters woke me , whimpering in the dark by my feet. 

'My goodness , what in the world is the matter with you?' I asked them. 

'We are scared!' They cried. ' We heard somebody outside the Orphanage rustling about , we can see his eyes in the darkness!' .  They were totally beside themselves with fear.

'That is complete nonsense.' I scolded them. ' There isn't anyone outside watching you , I wish there was! Maybe THEY could adopt you , wouldn't THAT be nice!' But I could tell they were very upset. Even though the monsters are not allowed to sleep anywhere but their drafty Orphanage rooms , I let them crawl into my comfy bed for the night.  

I didn't want to worry them any further , but I actually WAS a little worried that we were being watched.........  

The other night I saw a strange man taking pictures outside the tall iron Orphanage fence.

I didn't like they way he looked in. He didn't ring the doorbell , and I didn't think he had come to make any adoptions.

Maybe it was my imagination playing tricks on me.....

Was someone lurking around the Orphanage? What did they want? Why had they come?

Who would want to do us any harm?

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